
2017 - 2018


One Of 50 Business Entities Of Umnugobi

In 2016, Khanbogd Khurd Company joined with corporation of development in Umnugobi and become one of the 50 business entities of Umnugobi.







B.Khatanzolboo began to be wrestled in the name of “Khanbogd Khurd” LLC

In 2016, a young wrestler a title given to the winner B.Khatanzolboo began wrestling in the name of "Khanbogd Khurd” LLC.  






Lama Tsedvee spelt on Khiimoriin san and ayan zamiin yeruul

In the Lunar New Year 2016 we greet with drivers in the ger of culture in OT site. Lama Tsedvee, who studied religious books in India, is spelt on khiimoriin san and ayan zamiin yeruul. 








Volleyball competition

Every year we decided to organize volleyball competition between drivers in solders day. On 03 May 18, 2016, we organized volleyball competition between our drivers, company of Khan Gurd LLC and Javkhlant Gobi LLC’s drivers. In this competition, E.Ganzorig’s teams went in the first place.





Awarded “Credentials” by Ministry of Transport 

T.Sumiyaabazar and O.Mönkhbayar were awarded the title of "Credentials" of the Ministry of Transport in festival celebration in Khanbogd, 2016.







Presented 5-walled ger 

Khanbogd Khurd LLC’s drivers save up several money and presented 5-walled ger to drivers N.Erdenebayar. 






2016 New Year's Events

In New Year's holiday event we evaluated our work and success. But also we encouraged rewarding employees. Tsendmaa (senior human resource) and Munkhbat.L (driver) are awarded certification "The Best Employer" and took cell phone Samsung S6 in this event.

And given certification for 18 drivers who work successful, comply safety culture and learn their vehicle cleaning. Executive director Enkhmaa.Ch is awarded certification “The young leader” and medals of the Mongolian Youth Federation president, Turtuvshin is awarded certification “The glorification of labor” and medal, 9 drivers are awarded certification “The Best Youth” and medals of the Mongolian youth Federation.



6 сарын  29-30-ний өдрүүдэд  сургалтууд явууллаа

Ханголомт групп-тай хамтран харилцаа, хандлага, ёс зүй, Өмгөөлөлийн бэрс партнерс ХХН-тай хамтран авилга, замын хөдөлгөөний  2017 оны 7 сарын 1-нээс хэрэгжиж эхэлж байгаа шинэ хуулийн  талаар 6 сарын  29-30-ний өдрүүдэд  сургалтууд явууллаа. Сонирхолтой сайхан сургалт хийсэн дээрх 2 компанидаа  баярлалаа.




Хүүхдүүдэд бэлэг гардуулан өглөө

Хөдөлмөр халамж үйлчилгээний хэлтэстэй хамтран 2017 оны 06 сарын 01-нд заалшгүй дэмжлэг шаардлагатай 20 хүүхдүүдэд бэлэг гардуулан өглөө. Цаашид  жил бүр  эх үрсийн баяраар бэлэг гардуулан өгч байх мөн бусад шаардлагатай зүйлээр тусалж, дэмжиж  байхаар боллоо 




Талархлын бичиг

"Оюу Толгой" компанийн тэргүүлэх 5 зорилтыг хэрэгжүүлэхэд идэвхтэй оролцож, Аюулгүй Ажиллагааны сайжруулалт, санаачлага гаргасныг үнэлж Оюу Толгой компанийн тээврийн хэлтсээс 2017 оны 8 дугаар сарын шилдэг компаниар шалгаруулан "Талархлын бичиг"-ээр шагнав.